Kyrgyz-Ata National Park
Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is located 40 km from the city of Osh and occupies the territory in northern slope of Alay mountain range. National park is not big, area equals only 1172 hectares.

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is located 40 km from the city of Osh and occupies the territory in northern slope of Alay mountain range. National park is not big, area equals only 1172 hectares. The calling card of the park is arrays of juniper forests. Also there are located interesting caves that easily open their world to the tourist.
Park is unique, since many historical and cultural monuments are located here such as ancient settlements and burial grounds. Kyrgyz-Ata National Park offers a variety options for lovers of ecotourism: hiking and horseback riding tours in the scenic gorges, as well as cultural and educational tours to monuments of ancient history.