Welcome to Kyrgyzstan

Welcome to Trip to Kyrgyzstan website, where you can find information about tourism in the Kyrgyz Republic, a country where there is so much to discover. 

We are a tourist information centre and a tour provider. We aim to provide the best level of services for an authentic experience.

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Batken Region

Ai-Kel Lake

On the northern slope of Turkestan range there is Ai-Kel Lake, which means "the moon lake". The lake area is 0.82 sq. km.
Naryn Region

Dolon Pass

Dolon pass lies at 3030 m. Through the pass runs the road leading from the Issyk-Kul Lake to Naryn region
Naryn Region

Karatal-Japyryk Reserve

Karatal-Japyryk national reserve is located in Naryn region, southern part of Son-Kul lake. It also includes territory of two rivers: Kara-Tal and Japyryk. Area of the reserve equals 14000 hectares.
Osh Region

Base сamp Achyk-Tash

At the foot of Lenin Peak there is a base camp for climbers. Its name is Achyk-Tash. The base camp is open during the warmer months, from June to September.


Incredible trip of our Belgian guest Tito Tomasi across the mountains of Kyrgyzstan! His trip can inspire anyone to go on the same journey!

Blog Posts

8 Must See Waterfalls Hidden Throughout Kyrgyzstan

The power that radiates from a waterfall is practically tangible. Maybe that’s why they’re so fascinating. Kyrgyzstan contains over 30 waterfalls of note, but I’ve compiled a list of 8 that I think are particularly beautiful ones that make good destinations for a trip.