Batken Region
Batken region is the most mysterious region of Kyrgyzstan. It is located at the farthest south-western part of the country. ¾ of region boundaries are international.

Mysterious Land
Batken region is the most mysterious region of Kyrgyzstan. It is located at the farthest south-western part of the country. ¾ of region boundaries are international. The neighboring countries are Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Inside Batken region there are also several enclaves, the areas that belong to other states. The population of Batken region is just over 400,000 people.
Batken region is an important agricultural region. The local apricot orchards are famous all over Kyrgyzstan. Their apricots are especially juicy and sweet.
Few people know that in Batken region there is the lowest point of the country that lies at the altitude of 401 m above sea level.
The popular interests in Batken region are trekking in the valleys and gorges, horseback riding, climbing, cultural tourism and medical and health tourism.
The most famous and unique place of Batken region is, of course, the Aigul-Tash Mountain. It is famous for the fact that there grows the red flower Ajgul of unprecedented beauty. It blossoms only once a year, in April, and this period lasts about two weeks. The rocky mountain strewn with bright flowers is an amazing spectacle that can be seen only in Batken region. Just for that, it is worth coming here, despite the long distance.
Karavshin Gorge at Turkestan Range is a favourite place for fans of the trekking. Here you can enjoy the amazing beauty of green meadows and fast mountain river with clean water. Opportunities for trekking are combined with climbing. In the Karavshin there are several peaks (Pyramidalniy Peak, Asan, Usen and others) especially popular for climbing. Another jewel of Turkestan Range is the azure mountain Lake Ai-Kel fascinating with its beauty.