The Sacred Mountain Sulaiman Too
Sulaiman-Too is the first object in Kyrgyzstan which have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is located in the center of Osh city, and rises to 175 m above it.

Sulaiman-Too is the first object in Kyrgyzstan which have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is located in the center of Osh city, and rises to 175 m above it. Since ancient times, Sulaiman-Too has been a sacred place for Muslims, and now it also attracts a lot of pilgrims.
Currently, the mountain itself and the works involved, many of which were built several centuries ago, are the part of the historical and architectural complex. They include remains of the medieval bath in the eastern part of the mountain (11th-14th centuries), the mosque Takht-i Suleiman on the top of the mountain (16th century), the mosque Rawat-Abdullakhan (16th century) and the mausoleum of Asaf-ibn-Burhia in the south-east of the mountain (18th century).
At Sulaiman-Too you can visit the seven sacred caves and see many ancient petroglyphs. At the Museum, also located on the mountain, there are more than 33000 exhibits. They include archaeological and ethnographic monuments, works of applied and craft art, paintings, sculptures and graphics.