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Выберите ваш мотоцикл

Honda CRF250L - 2018 Year Model

Starting Price
$ 95.00/day

There is not a bad day for a bike ride, especially around Kyrgyzstan. This bike by Honda is ready for anything - high mountain roads in Pamir highway or Otmok [Ötmök] pass from Bishkek to Jalal-Abad and Osh region. It has a feature of long-travel suspension, its seat has an upright position for a great view of both trails, views and traffic.  

Honda NX 650 Dominator

Starting Price
$ 120.00/day

This model is an unpretentious enduro for touring on countryside roads and everyday riding. You can easily attach soft and Sport Touring luggage for a long time riding to any corner of Kyrgyzstan whether it be visiting all the regions or from the North to the South touring. From Chuy Region to Batken Region through Tien-Shan mountains on the Great Silk Road.

Honda Africa Twin

Starting Price
$ 120.00/day

It is a light but more powerful model for even more fascinating adventures around the country of nomads. This bike can take you even farther through winding roads to Walnut and fruit forests of Arslanbob, summer pastures, and turquoise mountain lakes across Kyrgyzstan. It is a great bike for popular long-distance ride around Issyk-Kul Lake with its larger fuel tank. Come to Kyrgyzstan to ride around! 

Yamaha XT600

Starting Price
$ 100.00/day

Yamaha XT600 is that kind of bike that can take you nearly anywhere, almost any other motorcycles can match its versatility and endurance. It is a dual-purpose bike for sport and cross country riding thanks to its technical characteristics and powerful engine. It is ready to take you on off-road paths to Son-Kul Lake or around National parks like Besh-Tash National Park in the Talas Region

Yamaha XT 660 R

Starting Price
$ 120.00/day

One might say that the whole sport adventures cult derived from this bike. You can ride it through trails, deserts or rough places. It has a lean and tall off-road stance for a comfortable seating position. That makes it perfect for enduro and exploring on high altitude serpentines to see sights from region to region of Kyrgyzstan. We recommend to visit Tulpar-Kul Lake and Alay Valley.